3 Things You Need for Your Boudoir Session

It can feel like there are so many moving parts to doing a boudoir photoshoot for yourself, but it doesn’t have to be a challenge. Really, it comes down to 3 main things that you should make a priority (I may have snuck one extra at the end) I always want my Muses feeling as prepared as possible, so I go over everything you need to know either over the phone or through emails leading up to your session so you never miss a beat. Especially the little things, which can easily be forgotten. So here are the 3 things you need for a successful boudoir session!

woman wearing black floral lingerie posing for a boudoir session


What to wear, what to wear! Of course, if we’re talking about doing photos this is one of the first things to cross our minds. For some it’s exciting, for others it’s intimidating or stressful. Will you wear something you already have? Will you go shopping? Is there time to order online? What if it doesn’t fit right? There’s a lot that goes into it, but you shouldn’t have to stress.

I provide each Muse with a welcome guide right after you book your session, which includes a huge shopping and wardrobe guide as well! You’ll find a list of places to shop, how to decide what style to go with, even tips on how to make sure you get the right fit the first time when buying online. My goal is to give you all the tools I possibly can right in your inbox so that you feel confident and prepared to have a great boudoir session!

black and white photo of woman posing with a spotlight on her for boudoir photography


How do you want to see yourself in your boudoir photos? Which types of photos are you drawn to for inspiration? These are some great questions to ask yourself when planning your boudoir session. You can go all out with a “theme,” but even honing in on some keywords can make all the difference to make sure your photos are everything you imagine! Think “light, minimal, cozy, texture, natural,” or “vampy, bold, mysterious, dark, maximalist.” This gives you and your photographer a jumping off point, so that both of you are on the same page, and go into the session with those intentions.

When you book your boudoir photoshoot with me, I send you a pre-session questionnaire that includes a list of keywords like this to check off so you can just mark all that apply. This makes the vision planning easy and seamless for you, and gives me an idea of how to start our mood board collab! Of course things can change, evolve, or get more specific as we go on, but it’s a great beginning.

woman pictured lying on a pink velvet couch wearing a pink satin bodysuit and white heart sunglasses.


Am I making this one a shameless plug? Partially. While of course I hope you’re here because you’re interested in me as your boudoir photographer, I also want to encourage you to hire a professional. I would deem this a necessity for your boudoir session.

Photos like this are sensitive, vulnerable, and for most people can really affect their self-image and self esteem. We want that experience to be a positive and uplifting one from beginning to long after the photoshoot is over. The pros like myself not only know what we’re doing with a camera technically, but artistically as well, with your experience in mind. We are there to create art with you, encourage you, inspire confidence in you, and so much more. Knowing the angles and poses is great, but caring for you and how this whole thing will affect you on a deeper level is important. I work to make sure each of my Muses feel comfortable to reach out to me with questions, ideas, concerns, feelings — whatever you need to feel great about your boudoir session. My Muses trust me behind the camera, and as a human being. That’s why I’m able to create beautiful memories and experiences into works of art that are true to each person, which is one of the many reasons I love boudoir photography so much!

Now that you’ve read about the 3 things you need for your boudoir session, I think you’re ready for the most important thing you really need above all…


Give yourself permission. Allow yourself to experience something completely about you. It’s okay to feel nervous, or question whether or not you deserve it. But if you’re the only one standing in the way of seeing yourself in this whole new way, give yourself permission to do it anyway. I can encourage you and say you won’t regret it; ultimately it’s your decision. Just know that when you’re ready to take the leap, I’ll be there waiting to take your hand and lead you the rest of the way. You’ll thank yourself later.


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