The Morning of your Boudoir Session: A Guide

Woohoo! You made it to the morning of your session, you’re excited, a little nervous, and trying to make sure you do everything right before you go into your Bloom Boudoir experience. You want this to be perfect! Girl, I hear you, and I want to make sure you feel good before, during, and after your shoot. There are some really important things you’ll want to do that morning to make sure you set yourself up for success. So I’ve got some points to make that will help you out!

Wake Up Early

Make sure you get your beauty sleep the night before, so that you’re able to wake up nice and early before your shoot! Nothing crazy, but you need time in the morning to really wake up fully and feel awake for your session. You also want to make sure there’s time for morning routines, eating breakfast, and drive-time. The last thing you want is to be half-asleep while also trying to get hyped up about your session, or nodding off during hair and makeup.


Eat Breakfast

A lot of times I hear that babes will skip out on breakfast, fearing that they will look bloated in their photos. Let me say this: YOU NEED TO EAT BREAKFAST. You need the energy! You may think I’m being funny or dramatic when I say that your boudoir session will be a workout for you. I’m not joking - you will be sore after (in a good way), but it’s not going to feel great if you’re starving by the time you get through hair and makeup, and haven’t done any of the actual shoot yet. You will not look bloated, you will look amazing and feel better having eaten. Here are some energy packed foods (that don’t bloat anyway!) for you to try:

  • Oats, Oatmeal, Toast

  • Eggs

  • Peanut Butter

  • Banana

  • Whole-grain cereal

Keep in mind, I’m not a nutritionist so take this with a grain of salt and do what is best for your body! A rule of thumb is to avoid a ton of dairy and salt, and keep hydrated the morning of your session as well!

What to Wear (Before You Get There)

This is super important, and something you might not even think about! Tight clothes like sports bras, leggings, tight socks, etc will leave seam lines and marks on your skin that lasts for hours. So go ahead and show up in your favorite loose sweats and tshirt/button down, even slippers if you want!

You’ll also want to make sure you arrive to your session with a clean, moisturized face, and clean, dry hair. Plan accordingly if you’re a morning shower person!


Arrive On Time

And by on time, I mean at least 5-10 min early! Since we currently rent the studios by the hour, it’s extremely important for you to arrive before our start time. We schedule out exactly how much time we need for hair and makeup to be done and your shoot, so being punctual is a must! We want you to soak up every minute of goodness ;) Plan ahead and make sure to check Portland traffic before you leave.

I hope this helps you plan out the morning of your session so you can feel good and prepared for the best experience! Not on the calendar yet for a boudoir session? Click the button below and let’s chat!


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