Why Women Trust Me with their Boudoir Photoshoot

The biggest thing between a boudoir photographer and a Muse - trust. For most women I work with, boudoir is extremely vulnerable, something they’ve never done before, and maybe even a little scary. And yet, despite all those uneasy feelings, we still get a gallery full of beautiful photos that make them say “I can’t believe that’s me!”

So what’s the secret? Why is it these women come to me to create art with them, to celebrate all that they are? Let’s chat about it, and maybe I can help ease your mind about booking your own life-changing boudoir experience.

photo of a woman wearing a mesh black bodysuit and a long pink robe. She is seen in the reflection of a large gold mirror against a black floral wall.

Sharing Myself with You

You can’t trust someone who is a complete stranger, right? You have to get to know someone; see how they talk, and what they’re about. This is why I’m always infusing my personality into everything I say and do online. Social media is of course where I can be the most social, so I’ll shamelessly plug my instagram here! I love sharing behind the scenes of photoshoots, and just my everyday life, because I really bring myself to every photoshoot. I love to laugh and make others laugh, I’m overall just a naturally goofy person. Watch my reels for proof, lol.

Since the chances of you discovering me for the first time online is pretty much guaranteed, giving you a taste of my personality and what is important to me is a big deal! But you knowing who I am is not the only thing I care about. I also want to get to know you, too!

two women are seen through the reflection of a mirror with white fabric around it. The woman on the left has a camera taking the photo, and the woman on the right is posed and smiling.

I’ll Keep in Touch

One thing about me, is that I’m gonna be in your ear. Not enough for you to be sick of me (hopefully, lol) but just enough to let you know that I’m here to give you my full creative attention. I only take on 4 sessions a month for this exact reason! When you first inquire, we’ll schedule a phone chat together to talk about your dreams for your session. This is also another opportunity for you to get to know me a bit more — you’ll hear the excitement in my voice, and realize I’m a real person and not just an email address with a face. It’s also the first chance I get to hear about you, why you want to do a boudoir session, and connect with you on a more personal level.

Throughout the planning process, you can trust that I’ll be in your inbox regularly to help you feel as prepared as possible for your boudoir photoshoot. I send you a Welcome Guide as soon as you book to get you started, then periodically you’ll see more from me so that you’re never feeling like I booked you and forgot about you until session day. Your boudoir experience with me is collaborative, so connecting with you and combining my skill and your vision is what really brings it to life.

a woman posing for a boudoir photo is wearing black sheer lingerie, sitting on the floor. She is posed leaning on her forearms onto the seat of an antique chair.

We’re In This Together

My relationship building with you doesn’t stop when we get to the studio. One of my favorite parts of the day is just sitting and chatting with you while you’re having your hair and makeup done at the studio. We get to interact in person, cracking jokes together and sharing stories of womanhood and life and shitty exes. I’m not about to leave you high and dry when we start shooting, either.

I act as your guide and literal mirror when it comes to posing. That means I’m down on the floor with you, getting into the poses so you can follow my lead, making sure your hands aren’t awkward and your hair is right where it should be. I’ll give you a little peek behind the camera, too, so you can see that your hard work is paying off! I’m the artist to your muse; we do it all together!

A woman is lying on a white bed posed for a boudoir photoshoot. She is holding a white sheet that covers her chest, and her head is back with her eyes closed.

Take it away, Muses

You don’t have to take it from me. See what my Muses have to say about their boudoir photoshoot experience with me!

Ultimately, your trust in me as your boudoir photographer is what allows you to let go, explore, play, and really be in the moment during your photoshoot. It’s an experience that deserves your full attention, and having nerves about whether or not your photographer is going to take care of you is not the business.

If you do decide to take the leap with me, know that I’ll be there to guide you every step of the way. Ready to redefine your story? Click the button to set up your free consultation call with me.


How to Plan a Boudoir Photoshoot in 2024


Sultry Boudoir Collab with Jess