Glam & Sensual Boudoir Session
Today’s post is bringing glam, it’s bringing sensuality, it’s bringing timeless gorgeous BABE!! Linsey wanted to book her session for a couple reasons. Everyone does it for their own reasons, and each of them are valid and worthy. Linsey wanted to celebrate her birthday (!!!) as well as celebrating her body after a long medical journey. She kept mentioning to me that she was going to put most of the details into my hands, and that trust brought us these beautiful images you see below.
As usual, Kelsee slayed her hair and makeup, and gave her this smoky, dark eye look that was a total hit, especially with Linsey’s dark outfit pieces.

We went with a lighter vibe in the beginning to start, before we started moving to the dark side 😈 At Linsey’s image reveal, she exclaimed what many of my client’s have said too: “I cannot believe that is me!” I love bringing out a side of you that you may have never seen before, and give you photographs to remind you that that power, fearlessness, confidence and bravery were in you all along.

Can we talk about the highly underrated Pearl bodychain?! So glamorous, so elegant, and sooooo sexy! This is one of the options that you can add on for free as a bonus when you book your session and pre-payment plan!

She added a couple extra sports themed shots right at the end for her sweetheart too ;) As much as these can be a gift to your special someone after the photoshoot, the rest of the experience is really all about you. Book your session today, and let’s plan out the session of your dreams!