Everything You Need to Bring to Your Boudoir Session

POV: Your boudoir session is coming up in two weeks and you’re just now wondering if you forgot something, and maybe you actually needed to bring more than just your outfit and your fine self.

It can feel a little overwhelming if you’re not sure. Do I bring my own makeup for the makeup artist? Should I be practicing my own poses and bringing references/lists of every pose I want? What if I can only think of 3 poses? Should I bring my favorite necklace or will it ruin the aesthetic? The good news is, this many questions has to mean you are really looking forward to your session, and it means a lot to you! Let’s simplify this for you so you can replace that worrying feeling with pure excitement! This blog post is going to help you feel prepared and know wayyy ahead of time what you should plan to bring for your photoshoot, and what you don’t need to worry about.

DON’T bring a posing list

I have all the poses you could ever need right up in my noggin’. There’s no need for you to worry about practicing posing at home before hand, or trying to come up with your own, or getting frustrated because you’re not sure how to replicate a pose you saw on instagram. If you see a particular pose/photo that you really love and want a photo of yourself to be inspired by it, go ahead and save it to your phone and show me at your shoot! We have tons of time to chat while you get your hair and makeup done, so we can go over any specific requests you might have then. Before every single shoot, I come with a TON of iconic and new pose ideas for us to use. I lose sleep because I can’t stop thinking about photos I want to create, please don’t let those be in vain lol!

Malina Rose - Portland Boudoir Photographer

DO bring personal props/items

In addition to any outfits you’re planning to wear, you will want to bring any wardrobe items or props that you would like to include in your session that are personal to you. Some basic examples look like your favorite ring that you don’t get to wear very often, your partner’s shirt, or your best pair of heels. If you’re going with a special theme or concept for your shoot, you may want to bring more specific props. Some examples for that could be a few of your favorite books, a cozy sweater, your go-to coffee mug, or your wedding veil. It really depends on the shoot so when in doubt, reach out to me before your boudoir session and we can go over things that are already available from me and what you may need to bring. I’m always just a quick email away!

Malina Rose - Portland Boudoir Photographer

DON’T bring your own makeup

You simply don’t need to! From lashes to lipstick, Kelsee has everything you could possibly need to create your dream boudoir makeup look. If have severe allergies to makeup and need to use very specific products, you can let me know on the questionnaire that I send out after you book your session, and I can get you in touch with Kelsee so that you can decide the best course of action. Additionally, what you can bring is makeup inspiration photos! Makeup looks that you like, or even just colors that you love, and we’ll take care of the rest. Even that is optional, if you’re the type of person that would rather sit down and say “whatever you think will look good,” you can absolutely do that. You’d be surprised at how many people do that, haha!

Malina Rose - Portland Boudoir Photographer

DO bring all the excitement!

It’s really this simple! Other than super personal items and your hot ass outfits, we’ve got everything you need right here. All that’s left is to bring your fine self in some sweatpants and just be freaking excited to have the best photoshoot of your life!

Need to schedule your boudoir session still? Click the button to get in touch, let’s get you on the calendar for 2022! Pre-payment plans are available!


Romantic & Light Boudoir Session


Meet the Photographer - How I got into Boudoir Photography & Why I Love It!