3 Reasons You May Be Holding Back From Booking a Boudoir & What To Do About Them

So you love boudoir photography. Or at least like it if you’re here, right? You’re following me on all the things, you’re daydreaming about strutting around in a fluffy robe not giving a damn, getting hair and makeup done by someone other than yourself, and spending some much needed time around other adults (quarantine probs.) But there might also be a little nagging voice in the back of your mind, saying something like “I’m not confident enough for a photoshoot like that,” “I don’t want my butt on the internet,” or “I probably can’t afford a luxury experience like boudoir.”

Lucky for you, I have solutions to all of these problems, and rest assured you’re not the only one thinking those things. Let’s break them down together and get you feeling pumped about the boudoir session of your dreams!

Reason #1: Not Confident Enough

News flash: THAT’S THE WHOLE POINT! Pretty much every babe that walks through the door is going through something, has insecurities, or maybe just hasn’t felt 100% recently. Investing in a boudoir photoshoot for yourself is something you can do to get out of a slump, take another step forward on your journey to self love and acceptance, celebrate a milestone in your life, or any combination of those and more! There are endless benefits to a photoshoot that even outlast the actual session day. Don’t forget you’re coming in for photographs, so after you have a day filled with pampering and fun and feeing like a supermodel - you’ll have photographs to commemorate that experience, and bring back all those amazing feels every time you look at them! It’s a win-win.

Solution: Remember this is totally normal, and confidence is one of the benefits of boudoir photoshoots anyway!

Malina Rose - Portland Boudoir Photographer

Reason #2: Want To Keep Photos Private

This one is super simple - you are not required to share your images online, or anywhere for that matter! The only time you’ll see me require a signed model release are for limited edition sets and specially discounted sessions, and it’ll always be clearly stated when that is the case. Otherwise, it’s completely up to you! I respect your privacy on all levels, some people are okay with me sharing only ‘anonymous’ photos (meaning only photos where the face isn’t recognizable/obscured/not showing at all), some people are okay with me showing anything and everything, and some people don’t want them online at all. No explanation needed either way.

Solution: Keep them private! No problem.

Malina Rose - Portland Boudoir Photographer

Reason #3: Assume You Can’t Afford the Luxury Experience

First of all, let me just tell you that you are worth every damn penny. Second of all, I can understand that luxury experiences are not always easily accessible to everyone. That’s why I offer pre-session payment plans! They make everything so easy, breaking down your payment into monthly bite-size pieces. This allows you to still get everything you want out of your session, in an easier payment schedule. Then the day of your session everything is already paid for, and you can truly sit back, relax, and enjoy without worrying about paying for something after. Not to mention when you sign up for a pre-session payment plan, you get access to some awesome bonuses to add on to your session!

Solution: Pre-session payment plans for the win!

Malina Rose - Portland Boudoir Photographer

You absolutely can do this! Tell that nagging voice to stfu, book your session, and prepare yourself for a life-changing experience you will cherish forever! I’m here for you every step of the way ❤️


Fine Art Boudoir Photography


Romantic & Light Boudoir Session