Painter Boudoir Photoshoot
You are on a boudoir blog - be warned that some content is probably going to be NSFW 😋 Unless you work from home then carry on LOL.
This post is so damn good. Stunning Ellie is an artist - you should 100% go follow her and check out her work! She does a lot of painting, so she really wanted to incorporate some body painting into her session. It was soooooo beautiful, creative and sensual. She brought flowers, paint, and made it totally Ellie.
Hair and makeup by Kelsee Feist
Your regular reminder that showing off all your gorgeous tattoos is a great excuse to book a boudoir photoshoot !!! I mean check out Ellie’s monstera, living it’s best life in these photos! You are deserving of beautiful photos for yourself to enjoy, you are not obligated to share your photos with anyone if you don’t want to (including online!) This session is about you and only you, anything or anyone else that’s included in part of that experience is completely optional.
Ellie went with our ever-popular Collection II, which means she took home her entire digital collection the same day as her photoshoot (yes, the SAME DAY!) She also got to design a beautiful 8x8 album with me, and she got one of her favorite images printed on metal!
Once we started the painting part of the photoshoot, everything became so fluid and free feeling. It was a lot less posing, and more creating imagery around her movements. It was really amazing to shoot this way, and the artist’s flag was really flying haha!
Have a creative idea you want to incorporate into your boudoir photoshoot? I want to hear all about it! Get in touch by clicking the button below. Talk soon bestie!!