3 Reasons You Need to Book a Boudoir Photoshoot

Anyone can come up with a million reasons NOT to do a boudoir photoshoot. Our insecurities tell us all the time why we shouldn’t be allowed to do things we love or why we shouldn’t try something new that interests us. I don’t want to list a bunch of reasons you might feel like you shouldn’t. I have 3 reasons why you need to book a boudoir session that I feel outshine the lies that your insecurities or societal pressure might be telling you.


A Day to be Pampered

The super-simplified answer is that you really just get a whole day to treat yourself. Let someone else take care of YOU for a change, because odds are, you’re putting other people or things before yourself. As women, I find a lot of times it’s just in our nature to care for others before ourselves, but you can’t pour from an empty cup. Doing a boudoir photoshoot is something that is completely centered around you, for you.

I know it can be hard to commit time and money to something for yourself, but the transformation you will experience is priceless, and will last you much much longer than just the day of the photoshoot.


Confidence Boost

Remember how I mentioned a transformation? When you walk out of the studio after your Bloom Boudoir session, you will feel much different than when you walked in. Our whole energy in the studio, in my emails, in my facebook group, and all throughout my business is uplifting, encouraging and meant to inspire confidence. We love getting to know you and cracking jokes together, and becoming the ultimate besties/hype women for you! At this point, saying “you look so f*cking good/hot/beautiful/glowing” should be on my resume, haha.


A Beautiful Reminder

Think about the last time you held a photograph in your hands. Maybe it was recently, maybe it was years ago. Think about going through your mom’s old box of assorted disposable camera prints and polaroids, holding each one, analyzing it and letting those memories flood back to you through your fingertips. I’ll sing it from the rooftops - printed photos just hit different. There’s no way around it! And what better emotional experience to call back to than your boudoir photoshoot. A day that you felt taken care of, that you had fun, that you felt totally empowered by. Every person that I’ve photographed has had a completely new reaction to their photos once they see them printed in a beautiful album, or framed in a gorgeous, gold, boujee frame. That is something I believe is so special and essential to have, that physical reminder of the experience and renewed power you gained at your boudoir photoshoot.


Totally convinced and need to book your boudoir photoshoot ASAP? I knew you would. Click the button below to book your session today!


Vintage Inspired Birthday Boudoir


Modern Boudoir Session in Portland